Liberation & Higher Vibe Lessons

  • Marlies KC Yoga

Categories: Energy Healing Holistic Health Meditation Teacher Mindfulness Teacher Private Yoga Public Yoga Classes Reiki Reiki Healing Spiritual Health Spiritual Health Wellness Yoga Instructor Yoga Teacher

Hey hi hello yogis and friends alike!

Here is the deal, I do want to be real and share with you that sometimes, even those of us that are completely invested in self-growth and actualization, have a hard ass time surviving this life. Let me be your down to earth reminder that, it is in fact, okay, not to be okay.

Enter, LIBERATION. I'm defining liberation as that sweet sweet feeling of coming back to yourself.

I've been relatively mute on social in the recent times but has come out from the woodwork, brighter and more centered, I want to share with you what's been going on and what's been a significant contribution to my healing journey.

LIBERATION. I believe to be in the experience of it. A while ago, I sat down with a sweet soul for a podcast interview (wink wink) and she shared with me that she felt teaching yoga to be a liberating experience. I quite literally saw that thought, applied to my experience,  felt it in my body, and spoke up with straight disagreement. That doesn't mean I don't respect her perspective, but instead, it allowed me to have my stuck mentality reflected back to me. After some reflection on my adverse feelings, I realized these few things:

- WOW am I ever addicted to "not enoughness"

- Sleeping well is highly underrated and anything can be spun negatively with heightened emotions and high reactivity (learned this the hard way as you could imagine)

- If I believe everything is hard, I will make it that way simply by way of having the unconscious intention that life is this way

- I can tell other people how to take care of themselves until I'm blue in the face but my word will not be valuable and trustworthy until I live in a more balanced way

- Spiritual Hygiene is a must and deflecting taking care is a sure fire way of deteriorating my health


- Have compassion for where you are. It is crucial for you to recognize that every season of struggle, grace and celebration is meant for you. Morgan Harper Nichols reminds us to ask ourselves daily : " what can I learn here?". Be brave, feel the feeling and investigate the situation for the lesson.

- Self-compassion must include yourself and if it does not- it is incomplete, says the renown Buddhist and Author Jack Cornfield.

- Be where you are, cultivate allowance, warmth and understanding to yourself even if there's a fabricated storyline telling you that you are unworthy.

- Compassion is recognizing that we aren't perfect, life isn't perfect and we are still worth our own attention and love. Compassion is recognizing that difficult experiences are inevitable and we can respond with frustration/anger with the same amount of effort that responding with empathy and kindness requires.


- The unpredictability of life's changes- is the moment in which we can find salvation. Consider that it's a matter of perspective and reframing what is happening with more kindness and curiosity could be the next right action to support you.

"It's not so much about us opening our eyes, as opening our inner sense of the mind and the heart". We lead from logic for most of our days and this is helpful for staying alert, safe, and organized in our lives. In matters of the heart and emotional brouhaha, however, relative distress would best be handled with tenderness and a heartfelt lens, wouldn't you think? (I've tried to think my way out of a heartship, and I'll admit having gotten nowhere positive)


- Address, nurture and harmonize your energetic body. Think, spiritual maintenance.

- As a person who is more often than not, convinced that I can do it all by myself, hear me out when I say that asking for support from an intuitively resonant healer is an incredible way to nourish your well-being

- I found my way to a person (@sophiee.scott) that I felt safe with and energetically drawn to in order to heal blockages that were disturbing my day to day peace. OUF. It was a doozy of a session and transformational. Having let go of much heaviness and stagnant energy, I keep finding myself anew and lighter than I could dream of after undergoing an hour Reiki Healing Session. 1hr to return my peace.. that is something I can and want to do more often rather than allowing myself to get to a place of despair and reaching for healing when stress and life have taken a distressing toll on me. Take care of all your layers, even the subtlest parts of you need your loving awareness and care.

"You will be your biggest critic. You will notice all the cracks and crevices and splits and breaks and all the bits and pieces no one else can spot because of their vantage point you are fierce and perfect and bold and confident and all that comes from you is far more critical and always incredible. Even your mistakes aren't mistakes. 

Give yourself grace and STOP being so hard and judgemental and demanding of yourself. How much more amazing can you get. SO CHILL. Honor yourself more. Embrace yourself more. Critique less. 

Be a fan of who you are."

- Adrian Michael Green 

Breathe Well & Be Well


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