Meet The Face Behind Marlies KC Yoga

  • Marlies KC Yoga

Categories: Holistic Health Spiritual Health Yoga Instructor

I am Marlies, the sole owner and operator of this brand and business you have to come to know as Marlies KC Yoga.

Here is a little bit of my story if you would be so inclined to indulge in the getting to know your yoga teacher.

Radical acceptance and body appreciation are two things I have become incredibly passionate about while learning yoga over the years. Following a child/teenagehood of athleticism that unconsciously gifted me self-consciousness and self sabotaging behaviour, I easily fell into love with the omnipresent compassion that yoga provides through its teachings and has since inspired me to transform my hobby into a profession and become a full-time yoga teacher.

Building Close Connections

Since starting my business five years ago, I have been privileged to work and build connection within several communities, allowing me to extend a ripple of love across the region of Niagara. It has been a wildly special time getting to know each yoga studio and nurture the rapport that each yoga family uniquely embodies. One of the most noteworthy transformations that I have witnessed over the course of these five years is the increased percentage of men attending yoga classes and may I send word of encouragement to all of the men reading this and curious to join the practice. Everyone is welcome.

Respect and Abundance

As a major proponent of integrity, I believe that my authenticity and passion for living wholesomely sets me apart from the conventional professionals in the wellness world. I also humbly attribute my success to the unconditional love I practice cultivating and it is from this place that I teach people from different walks of life to come back home to themselves through mindful modalities.

This “coming back home to oneself” is a result of the rapport and care that organically develops from having emotional and physical space held for each unique soul that attends any of my public yoga classes. It is an immensely joyful experience to teach and witness self-awareness and self-compassion birth and expand within students of yoga. The greatest reward as your yoga teacher is to see how yoga benefits and positively impacts you to setting foot on a path of love, ease and genuine connection to self and life.

One with Nature

When I’m not conducting classes, I love to relish in the great outdoors, getting mesmerized by nature. This oneness with the elements includes paddle boarding, spending time in and by water and hiking in new and well-known forests. It is an intuited pleasure of mine to explore understated areas of my region and beyond through visits to delicious and nutritious cafes and unorthodox restaurants.

This concludes today’s musings and I do hope you have enjoyed deepening your learning of what influences my business.

Until the next share, may you be well.

If you or someone you know could benefit from my expertise as a Meditation Teacher and Yoga Instructor in Niagara Region, Ontario, I invite you to contact me. Please call (365) 880-8889 or email



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