How to Tame Chaos

  • Marlies KC Yoga

Categories: Energy Healing Holistic Health Meditation Teacher Mindfulness Teacher Private Yoga Public Yoga Classes Reiki Reiki Healing Spiritual Health Spiritual Health Wellness Yoga Instructor Yoga Teacher

Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!

Welcome back to another short read by yours truly. If you're finding yourself in any time of overwhelm, change or stress, this might be the article to invite you into a more nurturing headspace to readjust.

How to tame the chaos? My best piece of advice is going to be the farthest from new news- meditate. A little over a week ago, my willingness to live in my frantic mind had expired and I made the choice to fully commit to return to a meditation practice. Listen here, meditating is not exclusive to sit downs in perfect silence, there are many things ways in which we can cultivate mindfulness and I encourage you to explore a means that  feels authentic to you. For now, I'm back on Insight Timer every morning upon waking and allowing myself to be guided by a meditation facilitator.

Additionally, I can't forget one of the most supportive nuggets of wisdom my best friend gave to me after returning home from her very own yoga teacher training and it was this: "Wake up. Go Pee. Meditate. Don't even think about it." And so, I'm doing just that. I allow my meditation practice to be an innate habit, engraved into the very first moments of my morning. It was only two days into the reinvestment of meditating that the edge I hadn't yet felt or acknowledged, dissipated. I noticed that my neck tension improved, the quality of my sleep and speech became enriched and the stresses I was building up in mind deflated. As you would imagine, that felt supremely helpful given that I identified with being chaotic and exhausted the week before.

I certainly wouldn't force my beliefs onto you, but consider bringing in a tried and true or "new to you practice" that really supports you managing your stress and overall well-being because you matter, and you feeling your best is not only a gift to you, but a gift to all that surrounds you.

May I remind you that meditation is not limited to sit & lay down time. Flex your creativity and open your mind to the possibility of meditation while in movement, focused flame meditation, and much more.

Breathe Well & Be Well


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