Your healing,


Choose yourself and retreat from your reality to dive into your healing journey, supported. Getaway to pause, fold inwards and engage in a profound journey of growth.

Reserve your Spot

Mindfulness Teacher Niagara Region
Mindfulness Teacher Niagara Region


  • What people are saying about past retreats....

    "This is an experience like no other. For me, it made so many deep shifts in my life that was missing before. You will leave with beautiful connection and memories from this retreat, plus your own."

    - Anonymous

  • How did you feel after the weekend retreat?

    "Aware, tuned into myself. Relieved, like my nervous system was finally in slow-down mode. Safe and calm in my body- several knots and blocks having released. Encouraged to continue diving within. "

    - Anonymous

  • I discovered Marlies through a mutual friend while meandering through potentials for an online yoga practice.

    I recently read about *authenticity* and how the concept is rooted in the Greek "autos" (self) and "hentes" (being). The idea that to be authentic is to be true to a sense of self that is rooted in our own unique and genuine essence, our wholeness, the trueness of who we are. LOVED. To be plugged into our inner gps and to navigate from it. That’s the Marlies that I’ve come to know.

    Through our short time working together, it has been abundantly evident to me that Marlies has an uncanny ability to offer her *radical authenticity* in a way that invites my own. Yung Pueblo says "love is not: i will give this to you if you do this for me. LOVE IS: i will give this to you so that you may shine." This. IS. Marlies.

    There is an infinite source of light within each one of us, Marlies invites you to find sight for your own, and let it shine...through the cracks.

    Marlies uses gentle language that is trauma sensitive and accessible to even the most simple of folks (um...hello) to invite you into a practice of being - sometimes through yoga or meditation - always through her whole self. This invitation is irresistible. I dare you to give Marlies a sliver of your energy, returning to your whole self will be an inevitable result if you are willing to take the leap...or even just the first timid step.

    - Aaron

  • There is no soul as loving and no hands as tender and caring as sweet Marlies. I have had the joy of being a long time yoga student as well as received reiki healing from Mar and it’s hard to put into words the feeling of being in her presence. She exudes pure love, support and peace while still motivating her students. Not to mention some great belly laughs because she is just so beautifully and honestly herself when she shows up for those around her. I feel so incredibly blessed to have this special person as a guide and a friend. Get yourself into a shared space with Marlies as soon as you can!

    - Alyssa

  • I have never done Reiki, but had heard conversations about it at the yoga studio. I was curious, but hesitant to try a one on session. The Reiki and Restore class was a perfect opportunity for me to experience it. I went into the class thinking it would be like a restorative class, but it turned out to be so. much. more. I don’t know what magic Marlies worked as my eyes were closed the whole time, but I felt such a release at the end of class, and into the rest of my evening. Looking forward to going to the next one. Sign up. You will not be disappointed!

    - Alyssa

  • Marlies is a dynamic and intuitive teacher who creates a safe and supportive space that honours the various bodies and backgrounds of everyone in the room. Her love and light is contagious. Marlies is one of a kind, a true gift to her students and the yoga community.

    - Siobhan

  • I have never done Reiki, but had heard conversations about it at the yoga studio. I was curious, but hesitant to try a one on session. The Reiki and Restore class was a perfect opportunity for me to experience it. I went into the class thinking it would be like a restorative class, but it turned out to be so. much. more. I don’t know what magic Marlies worked as my eyes were closed the whole time, but I felt such a release at the end of class, and into the rest of my evening. Looking forward to going to the next one. Sign up. You will not be disappointed!

    - Angela

  • Even when I would rather stay home, I get my body to the studio to be in Marlies energy. She has such a sense of magnetism that makes me want to be in her space.

    The two hours a week that I spend with Marlies in the yoga room, are my favourite hours of the week.

    — Angela

  • My body has improved so significantly attending Marlies yoga classes that I now never miss a practice. How she guides the class always ends up being the perfect fit for my needs. I feel amazing in my body.

    Practicing yoga with Marlies is like a hug to your soul and muscles.

    — Amanda

  • Despite feeling apprehensive toward a substitute teacher filling in for my regular class, I was absolutely delighted by Marlies. She is a great teacher and provided an amazing yoga experience.

    — Terry

  • I’ve never done yoga before and my body has never felt freer. Marlies is great at teaching and it is clear that she has both passion and talent for teaching yoga.

    — Trent

  • It is always a wholesome experience with Marlies. Every class is so distinctly innovative and creative.

    — Michael

  • Marlies is my favourite yoga teacher. I follow her everywhere she goes.

    — Roxy

  • Marlies provided one of the most beautiful classes I have ever attended. Her language and style of guidance is so eloquent and intentional. I have practiced with many teachers and her class is notably special.

    — Emma

  • I feel the most at home in my body when I am in Marlies yoga classes. Her way of teaching me anchors me so well into my body that I feel safe to rest whenever I need and to move specifically for myself.

    — Brigitte

  • Marlies classes are the perfect combination of thoughtful movement, reflection and sweat. I feel a sense of calm and rejuvenation after I am done. Marlies has a unique, yet effective way of cueing and her sequencing is creative. She has an amazing gift that I am grateful she has chosen to share with the yoga community:)

    — Fran O

  • When I think of magic I think of Marlies. Magic is subtle and you are drawn to it, magic sparkles and magic makes you smile :) Marlies is truly gifted. Her kindness and skill shine through in every yoga class and Reiki session I have been to.

    — Jennie D

  • Marlies is undeniably powerful in her element. My Reiki sessions have left me grounded, emotionally charged, with an open heart and chest. My journey was incredible and you will leave wanting more.  Yoga Instructor Niagara Region

    — Michele

  • Marlies has many years of experience tuning into her body through yoga & reiki. Any time I attend Marlies classes, while challenging, they are accessible to everyone. Marlies always takes the time to flow students through a mindful asana- and she always encourages you to listen to what your body needs. She shows up as her authentic self and encourages you to do the same every time you step in your mat. I follow her across the Region to the many yoga studios she teaches at, and it is always a heartfelt experience!

    — Erika

  • I wasn’t too sure about Reiki but after doing a Reiki and Restore class I knew that I wanted to try a Reiki session on my own. Marlies has this amazing energy around her always and I couldn’t imagine doing a session with anyone else. It was wonderful and I felt so in-tune with myself and light after the sessions. She helped release blockages and the experience of the physical touch during Reiki in itself was therapeutic! Would highly recommend to anyone!

    — Danielle D.

  • Two words sums up my experience which are Life changing!

    But if I can say a few more words, it would be this! I took 2 of Marlies White Oaks classes, which is where I found Marlies. Her style of yoga and her unique and personal way of using the English language truly opened my eyes to a new understanding and benefit to my yoga practice!

    She is honestly one of the most unique people I’ve ever met, so loving and caring for others whether you met her once or you known her a lifetime! after that experience in a class setting, I then enrolled in private sessions, and currently completed four or five of them. While considering the price of her private session, I was optimistic on what I’d be getting for that, but quickly into my first session, I began to realize how much benefit and worth I was getting out of my money. Marlie gives all of herself to her practice, her students and her profession! She gives it a 110% and I or the student receives all the benefits. My mind, body and soul is so much better with because of these sweet Jem that was some or something dropped into my Life. I call it my Marlies Meds! And I truly hope I never stop taking them!

    — James W.

  • In a very low point of my life I have found that your energy, compassion and sincere interest in why I feel the way I do, has been very grounding. My experience during Reiki was of great appreciation as you provided me some very needed grounding and release of emotion. I look forward to my next session with you.

    — Matthew F


  • Spiritual Health Niagara Region
  • Spiritual Health Niagara Region